My apologies for not updating the blog recently! We have been rolling through life here in the McPherson household with adjusting to the lack of sleep at night, the fussiness of someone who has no clue what she wants except to be held (I can't help but give in to her pitiful looks and quivering chin...too adorable!), and trying to learn all the ropes as a new family. I wont lie, it's been tough but at the same time my love for her grows with each passing day (fussiness, crying, poopie diapers and all!). I'm in the midst of the nap time struggle...which sometimes overlaps into the bedtime struggle...those are the rough days! Regardless of all the hard and stressful times as a new mom, I'm loving it and fall in love with Alley more and more each day...and I must say, her dad is head-over-heels for her and he has been a tremendous help to me! Andy has been an incredible dad and husband during this major transition in our lives. He supports me when I'm falling apart, he cares for Alley in such a tender way and enjoys getting to hold her, play with her and tend to her needs. I am very thankful for the time he is taking to be with us girls.
On another note...after Thanksgiving our family (extended) celebrated Granny's 85th birthday with a party with all her friends. Here are some pictures of the event and some other photos:)

I'm working on more photos, but I think she is getting a little camera shy...every time I take a picture, she turns her head away...silly little girl! We're working on getting her used to the camera, so hopefully I'll have more photos soon:)