We all traveled to Richmond on Saturday for a weekend at Mimi and Papa's. They so graciously watched Alley so Andy and I could go out on a date. We had a wonderful day of playing and exploring. John and his girlfriend, Marion, came in town for a visit - it was fun getting to spend some time with them! Alley was in rare form around them, which was fun to watch! Speaking of Alley, she is changing so much and so fast these days!! I am amazed every day by the things she does and the things she tries to say. She is really comprehending way more then I thought she would at this age!
Fun little story about Alley - yesterday all three of us were in our room putting our stuff away from the weekend and we threw our laundry on the floor. Alley went over, picked it up and took the laundry basket top off, and put our clothes in it...as well as Andy's shoes!!!! I was completely shocked...we haven't made her do that...ever...again, she amazes me everyday!
I've added a few pictures from this weekend, as well as the visit Alley and I took today to see Andy at work.
Alley playing with the Jack-in-the-box for the first time - it was funny to watch how quick her reactions were! She would immediately push him back into the box. So funny:)

Our resident Darth Vader - She's wearing my mom's down vest...when she walked, it barely skimmed the ground - she looked like she was floating:)

Today at Andy's office - she found her new love...tackling giant medicine balls...

She was obsessed with the free weights...she's going to be one buff girl! (sorry the picture is so bad - I just couldn't pass up posting this one!)

Back to beating the medicine ball - she thought it was hilarious that when she would hit the ball, it would bounce a little - ah, to find joy in the little things like her...