Today we all got to enjoy our first snow day...and boy did it snow!! Today was our first day with nothing to do - basketball is over for Andy (it ended this weekend in Roanoke), I had a snow day and Alley had a day off from daycare. So, we spent the day in the snow and playing in the house. Here are some pictures from the day. (I still haven't gotten my camera fixed, but I did manage to find my very old camera - which doesn't take good pictures - reason why we bought the new one! - but they will have to do)
Here is the view down the street this much snow!

Walking to the car for an evening drive - just to check out what the snow looks like everywhere else - okay, cabin fever!!:)

Alley "playing with" (or on!) her new puzzle and puzzle holder

making faces at the camera

The view from the playroom into the backyard...lots of snow!

Here is a video of Alley reading and her own world:)