***WARNING - tons of beach pictures ahead*** :)The beach...I don't enjoy leaving it each year. I don't really think anyone enjoys leaving vacation behind and entering the real world again. But, we must do it each year. What makes leaving doable, is all the memories that are invoked when you look back at the pictures that were taken. They allow you to relive the moments all over again...until next years trip:)We had a wonderful time this year. It was definitely different (can we say 1 1/2 year old!), but still good. We got up really early (not by choice) and spent our mornings at the beach playing in the ocean and building sandcastles. Then after lunch and naps, we'd spend the afternoon and evening going on bike rides and just watching the three kids interact (which was hilarious!). Alley and Owen (Will's son who is 2 months younger than Alley) were like two peas in a pod. They were inseparable! They'd hold hands, hug, play "roseys" (ring around the roseys), fight over the plastic wagon, and be by each others sides every waking moment. I can't wait to see how they continue to interact as they grow up. I just really enjoy being around the family each year. This beach trip reminds me each year about how important family is and how I am so glad we are a close family. I can't wait until next year! As my uncle says, only 51 weeks until we hit the beach again....;)
Andy and Alley attacking the ocean (did I say how much Alley LOVES the ocean!! She would make Andy take her out really deep and then tell him "down" - the only thing she wanted to do was be in the ocean)

Digging in the sand making nests

My two favorites

A family photo

Alley playing with seaweed

Carlee Scott and Alley playing with magnetic bears - thanks for sharing CS!

Mimi reading a story to the "babies"

Playing roseys together

trying to escape up the stairs


Our night in the town without kids - woo-hoo!

taking all her toys in the ocean

for some reason she kept trying to do head-stands on the beach (she's Andy's child ;) )

better shot;)

happy in a hole:)

All three kids wearing their Kiawah shirts

Papa and Andy working on our alligator masterpiece, while the kids try to destroy it

We also had a photographer come out and take some pictures of our family on the beach. He did such a great job!!! If you live in SC, look up Collin Smith!! Here are a few: