Monday, August 20, 2007


It's been awhile since my last post, so I thought I'd let everyone know that I am still alive;) The only real significant change in our lives right now is the size of my belly and the size of my appetite!! Both have gotten much much bigger! With three months to go until baby McPherson graces us with her presence, I've finally caught up in weight and it's not looking like it's slowing anytime soon. Maybe she's going to be a big baby, or, it could be that I've had one too many scoops of ice cream everyday....hmmm...I would say it's more likely the latter of the two;) Either way, at least both mom and baby are happy! Speaking of ice cream....
Anyway;) Andy and I have both gotten back into full swing with work over the past few weeks, Andy with football preseason and me with preparing for another year in the elementary school. HSC starts school this Wednesday so Andy's schedule should calm down a little bit and he should be able to get back into his routine. As for me, the students come back on Monday, so I'm frantically trying to get ready for them and survive the chaos that a new school year brings. All in all we are doing very well and turning our focus on preparing our lives for this little blessing God has given us. We have started working on the nursery...okay, so all we have done is paint it and add the crib that Brad and Sarah (Andy's brother and his wife) so graciously let us use. And the excitement begins....

1 comment:

A.K. said...

let's see a belly picture!