Monday, January 28, 2008

But I don't want to...

Well, This is the week I go back to work:( I have enjoyed my time off from work so much that I'm really struggling with the fact that I return to work on Friday. This means I have to wake up (and really get up!), shower and get dressed in "real" clothes and leave my daughter behind at daycare for the day. It's not that I think she'll have a horrible time at daycare, I know she'll do great's just that I wont be there to give her kisses, snuggle with her, hold her (way too much!), babble with her and just stare at her. (Sigh)...
I'm starting Alley in daycare on Wednesday so that I can adjust to the drastic change of not being around her all day and to pull myself together before I have to go back to work on Friday. I really wish that we were in a position where I could stay home with Alley, but until we are there, I'll continue to push on and trust that Alley will be just fine, and that I will be too.
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week, it's going to be really tough for me!!


A.K. said...

Praying for you and this big change in your life. Alley will do great in daycare and hopefully after a few days you will feel back in to groove. At least you get a weekend right after your first day of work! WOHOO!

Kerry said...

prayers for you... I bet it is really tough to head back to work.