Alley has adjusted into the life of daycare by catching a cold...ugh! All weekend she had been very lethargic, sleepy during the day, waking a lot during the nights (but would go right back to sleep after she was given her pacifier) and wasn't very interested in eating (she skipped a feeding or two during the day). I was getting concerned by Sunday morning because during the night she woke up a lot sounding like a pig when she tried to was very pathetic sounding. Anyway, I thought she was on the mend by that evening (even though she skipped two feedings that day) since she was smiling and "chatting". So we sent her to daycare this morning thinking she was better. I decided to call the doctor anyway to see if there was anything I could give her and the doctor wanted her to come in that afternoon for a check up. She turned out to be okay but has a cold. The doctor seems to think she'll get over it soon and there is nothing to worry about...I'm just concerned because she refused to drink her bottles at daycare today...what will tomorrow be like?!
Here is a photo from today after our doctor poor, lethargic, "sick" baby girl:(

This is a photo from the other day of her napping (which she rarely does!)...

Here she is about to smile...I can never catch her "good" smiles on camera! Ugh!
Bummer...hopefully the longer she is there the stronger her immune system will get to fighting those bugs! In the meantime... thinking of you and continuing to pray as you adjust to her being in daycare and all the change in routine that goes with that!
feel better Alley!! stop letting all the other kids love on you and give you those germs!
checking in to see how the little on is doing- hope she's feeling better!
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