Can you believe Alley is already 4 months old?! It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant! The time sure does fly by fast! I never really believed, or thought much about it, when the other mothers told me to cherish every moment because they grown up so fast. Well, now I believe it! Today we took Alley in for her 4 month appointment. She got 3 shots (poor thing!), but had a very good check-up. We've got a very healthy girl on our hands. She has gained 9 lbs since birth and grown 7 inches...woo-hoo:) So now she weights 15lbs 10oz and is 26 inches long. She is now in the 75% in weight (she use to be in the 50%) and is in the 85% in height (she use to be in the 50%)...poor thing, her head is only in the 30% though! When the Doctor was telling us the percentiles, she looked up at Andy when she was telling Alley's head percentile and said, "her dad has a small head too". Andy didn't know he was getting an exam too:)
Today was a milestone...we were told to start giving Alley rice cereal and baby food. I'm not sure if I'm excited or sad. This means she's growing up fast, but at the same time, it means she's growing up:) So, despite her cranky mood from being exhausted and wanting to go to sleep and having had shots today and being sore...we tried baby food and rice cereal. We definitely weren't successful, but hey, it's our first ever! We'll get better with practice;) She didn't eat much...she ended up wearing most of it! Here are some photos from the event:

Notice the thrilled look she has on her face...obviously she wasn't as excited as her parents!

Totally unsure of this...what are you feeding me??!!

I think we lost her! I told her no screaming and definitely no falling asleep at the table...she definitely has not developed her mom's obsession with food yet!:) Better luck tomorrow mom and dad...