She's a piece of work...She is still doing her army crawl, which she's gotten super fast at and is now into EVERYTHING! I can't take my eyes off her for a second...gone are the days were she would lay where I put her and play with one she's investigating every single corner, trying to find every piece of dust, dirt or dog fur that my vacuum left behind and put into her mouth...oh the days...:)
She is beginning to eat some types of solid food now (the Gerber melt-in-your-mouth stuff). She absolutely loves the treats and starts squealing every time I bring them out. It's hilarious:) Other then that, she has her two front teeth coming in but they are taking their sweet time...which makes for a few more meltdowns...this too shall pass (and we'll move on to other things that cause meltdowns, yeah!)!
Here is a random photo of her from last week...her last week as a 7 month old...she's getting so big;)...

She's gonna be running soon! Thanks for sharing such a cute video. And I love that picture of her...definitely frame-worthy. Hope you're having a fun summer! - Amy
She is a precious little girl! Thanks for letting us watch her grow!
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