....in the McPherson household....
Just a few days before this video, Alley climb up 11 stairs (there are only 14 stairs!!) all by herself!! She freaked me out - I'm not so sure I'm ready for this...
Welcome to the circus! Sit back, relax and enjoy the show...and please pray for the parents! ;)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Cat's Eye Photography
The McPherson clan spent last weekend in Greensboro NC with The Turlington's. Donnie was the former SID at HSC and we became fast friends with him and Courtney. They moved to Greensboro about a year or so ago so Courtney could continue pursuing her passion (and phenomenal talent!!) in photography. They are wonderful people...the ULTIMATE in southern generosity and kindness :) We love them and have enjoyed the friendship we have with them. They were nice enough to have us in for the weekend so we could have Courtney take pictures of Alley. Courtney is a wonderful and really gifted photographer - she was able to get some really wonderful photos of Alley even after Alley decided she wasn't going to sleep a wink the night before and only napped for 30 minutes the next morning- can I say amazing! I know I'm gushing about her ability, but just check out her website and see for yourself how wonderful she is!! www.catseyephotography.net
Here are some of the photos she took of Alley:) I'm having such a hard time deciding which ones to order - I think Andy's going to have a heart attack once I get done ordering:)!!!

*****Don't worry - I plan on buying photos - I just copied these so I could show you all so quickly!!! I don't want anyone to think I'm "stealing" photos:)******
Here are some of the photos she took of Alley:) I'm having such a hard time deciding which ones to order - I think Andy's going to have a heart attack once I get done ordering:)!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008
Well, I have officially started back to work after a wonderful but super quick summer! Today marked the first day of Alley going back to day care after a summer of hanging out at home. It was definitely difficult going back since I absolutely loved having Alley around and even had great success with Alley's napping schedule...she refuses to nap at daycare, but I had managed to have success at home - woo-hoo:) We both survived the day - but we are all still trying to figure out how Alley made it through...Alley is no doubt growing like a weed, but how she is doing it, we have no clue! She has been refusing her bottle every day for a little over a week. We can force down a few ounces in a day but hardly enough to sustain her. She eats most of her jar food but gets fussy before she's done and won't be happy until you've put her on the ground so she can go cruising. The only time she is truly happy is when she is eating finger food - but even that doesn't hold her attention long enough. I have been contemplating changing her feeding schedule but have no clue what to do...I think my child is boycotting food...but, does this child look like she's starving and upset??!! ;)
Having fun at Mimi and Papa's despite her boycott:)

Monday, August 4, 2008
Last night was a rough night. We have gotten so use to Alley sleeping from 7pm to 6am that I should have known something was wrong when she cried out several times before we even went to bed. After a rough night sleep and several midnight visits, we all got up. Alley was very fussy and seemed to be hot and I was hoping it was just because she had on some thick jammies...but after taking her temperature, there was no denying it, she was sick. Of all days for it to happen...I was scheduled to go into work...but Alley is much much more important then work! So Andy went off to work and after her having several complete meltdowns, I decided to call the doctor to see what she thought. We got an appointment and went in. I had given her medicine right after we checked her temp this morning so I thought we would be in the clear but wanted her to be checked out anyway (I'm anal since my child has already had 4 ear infections and a few "almost ones" that we got medicine for before they became full-blown!). They did the norm, take her temperature just to see...her temperature was 103.5!!! Eekk! To make a long story short...she has strep throat:( Blah - poor thing is absolutely miserable! She can't sleep, doesn't want to eat and is just completely helpless!:( She is now on a bunch of meds and hopefully she'll be back to her cheerful self soon!
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