Monday, August 4, 2008


Last night was a rough night. We have gotten so use to Alley sleeping from 7pm to 6am that I should have known something was wrong when she cried out several times before we even went to bed. After a rough night sleep and several midnight visits, we all got up. Alley was very fussy and seemed to be hot and I was hoping it was just because she had on some thick jammies...but after taking her temperature, there was no denying it, she was sick. Of all days for it to happen...I was scheduled to go into work...but Alley is much much more important then work! So Andy went off to work and after her having several complete meltdowns, I decided to call the doctor to see what she thought. We got an appointment and went in. I had given her medicine right after we checked her temp this morning so I thought we would be in the clear but wanted her to be checked out anyway (I'm anal since my child has already had 4 ear infections and a few "almost ones" that we got medicine for before they became full-blown!). They did the norm, take her temperature just to see...her temperature was 103.5!!! Eekk! To make a long story short...she has strep throat:( Blah - poor thing is absolutely miserable! She can't sleep, doesn't want to eat and is just completely helpless!:( She is now on a bunch of meds and hopefully she'll be back to her cheerful self soon!


Jessica said...

Hope she feels better soon!

A.K. said...

feel better soon little one!