Saturday, September 13, 2008

Girls Day

Today we had a Girls day. Andy is off with the football team in Pennsylvania (they won! 2-0!), so Alley and I had a wonderful day just being together. We played lots on the floor, climbed stairs (over and over and over again), walked from furniture to furniture, went to the pool and went on a few walks (one to visit Granny). All in all it was great:) The most significant and biggest thing is that Alley stood by herself and took two steps!!!! YIKES!! She's been trying to stand alone and walk by herself for a while and this week she finally started doing it a little bit. Then, today she did it confidently and then kept doing it over and over and over again...she even showed Granny her new trick:)
Another first for this week was that Alley got her first pair of shoes! She has never worn shoes, not even the infant it was hilarious putting them on her feet! She wasn't happy with them at first, but now she's fine with it all. They are adorable (and huge!!)! We went to Richmond to Stride Rite and had her fitted. When the lady put the shoes on Alley's feet and we stood her on the ground, she couldn't pick up her feet. Then she would drag them and look at us like "what is on my feet?"- It was hilarious! Mom and I were laughing so hard!
Okay:) Here are some pictures from today:
Here she is trying to escape (actually, the cat is on the other side and she is obsessed with the cat and trying to get to her!)
Here she is standing next to the sofa - I tried all day to get a shot of her walking or at least standing alone, but she wouldn't let me:( Check out her adorable shoes though!

1 comment:

Warner Family said...

So cute! I love the shoes, and I'm sure she'll really be using them pretty soon!