I hope everyone had a VERY Merry Christmas! We had a great (and exhausting!) day over here. The festivities started last night with the family all getting together and going for our traditonal Christmas Eve meal at...McDonald's...yummy!! It's a wonderful tradition that we have been doing for years. We will never get rid of this tradition if I have anything to say about it:) After the meal we let the kids open a few gifts and put them to bed. Here are a few Christmas Eve pictures:
Our attempt at a family picture...
Andy and Alley reading a Christmas story, Silent Night
I think we've got a tired little girl on our hands
Alley opening a present from Aunt Pat and Uncle steve on Christmas Eve
Christmas Day was a lot different then in years past. First, we have more kids and several different schedules. Second, part of the family wasn't here to celebrate with us in person. We managed to have an enjoyable but extremely busy day. To tell you the truth, it was a blurr of wrapping paper and hyper babies. Here are some pictures from Christmas morning.

Alley coming out to see what "Santa" had brought her

Just a picture to show you the pure chaos (but fun!)

Just a cute face...I think:)

Alley showing how tiring the day actually was...she walked over the Andy and laid her head down on his back for the longest time...What a wonderful day it has been, tiring, but wonderful:)
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