We had a wonderful Christmas in Richmond this year. We still had snow on the ground, there was a fire in the fireplace, lots of family gathered, and yummy food to enjoy. The day passed by way too quickly but we did enjoy each moment knowing that next year it will be a little more hectic (we'll have to go to man-to-man defense!!). We started the morning out with the McPherson's in charge of making breakfast (we decided to give mom a break from breakfast duty since she had Christmas dinner to think about!). I tried some new recipes out and they seemed to be good...we didn't have any leftovers:) Then we relaxed and went through stockings and our gifts slowly. Alley was a little more into opening things this year...she helped EVERYONE open their stockings and gifts. She oooed and ahhhed over everyone's gifts as well. About mid-morning, the Texas Alley's came over to finish Christmas with us and it was hilarious watching the three cousins open presents...everything was "mine", even if it wasn't:) So funny! They played with each others gifts the moment the other would leave them alone and couldn't figure out why the other was trying to take the toys away...classic two year olds! After lunch all the kids went down for naps, and the adults tried to rest...tried is the key word...we weren't too successful. Later that evening another family came over to celebrate Christmas dinner with us. All the kids were in bed, so us parents got to enjoy some "adult" conversation and time...much needed! The night ended well, with delicious food, good conversation and a fire in the fireplace (can you tell I love fires in our fireplace?!!). What a great day full of memories! Here are some of those memories captured...
A few attempts at a family photo...we seem to struggle with getting one where all three are looking at the camera and smiling:)

The grab the hand technique...still struggled!

Mimi and Alley doing what they love most...reading!

Christmas morning, helping daddy go through his stocking...her favorite part of each stocking? The ORANGE!!!!

Playing with her sticker book...another love, stickers...

Cousin Carlee Scott graciously sharing her doll house with Alley, a bull in a china shop!

Cousin Owen and Alley eating "paw-corn"...they were SUPER excited about it

Sharing hugs, or as Alley calls them... "uggs" (Owen seems to think you hug with your head...silly boy!)

Alley playing with the new animal addition papa made for her Noah's Ark...she loves it!