Thursday, December 3, 2009

baby drama...

As I write this, I am sprawled out on the sofa with my feet propted up and the tv are probably wondering if I've gotten my days mixed up. Yes, I know it's Thursday morning and I was suppose to be at work at 7:30am - instead, I'm still in my pj's and the house is's called bed rest...not my idea of fun or what I had planned out for this pregnancy. Now I've come to terms with the fact that this is a different pregnancy (like we always hear - "every pregnancy is different"), but this is so completely different. The doctor has been wonderful and we are all working on a "one day at a time" mentality. We've had our crazy scares over the past two weeks (her head is pushing down the birth canal constantly - so impatient, who does she get that from??!! - , I've started dialating fast and am almost completely thinned out, I'm having minor contractions that even the shots can't stop - I had two of those last night & now have to take the pill form every 4 hours in hopes it stops them - , bed rest and weekly monitoring are just to name a few!). All in all, we feel truly blessed to have this pregnancy and to know that Kendall is VERY healthy (whew!). I will be kept on bed rest on a weekly basis. We will re-evaluate each time I go in...there is no guarantee bed rest will stop this determined little one, but each day helps:) Thank you all for you phone calls, support, prayers and words of encouragement and wisdom. I value each of you! It has been an emotional and stressful ride, but the Lord has provided in many ways and has reminded me of his love and sovereignty.


The Michna's said...

Hopefully that baby can hang on a little longer. Good luck with everything! You're in my thoughts and prayers:)

A.K. said...

oh girlie, know we are praying for you. being a few weeks behind you, i definitely feel for you and know the fear of a very early baby! we're sending up tons of prayers for little Kendall!

Bunch of Barrons said...

Hope you are hanging in there! When are you actually due, and how many weeks along are you? I know we are praying for you all the time...and so are so many others! :)

Warner Family said...

Goodness! Didn't know that was going on! We'll be praying, and you keep those feet up!!

Jenny said...

Good luck, Katherine!I will be thinking about you. Keep the little booger inside! :)

Cortney Smith said...

Catherine so sorry about all this! I know He is with you and little Kendall (love the name). We will be praying for you!Get some good rest...

The Huffman's said...

Catherine!!! I had no clue you were going through this!!!! We are thinking of you!!!! Catch up on HDTV and TLC!!!! Relax and each day you are closer to seeing your lil angel's face!!! I love that you are naming her Kendall!!! Very cute, Alley and Kendall!!!! Miss you!

ashleigha said...

Praying for you!!!! I agree bedrest is no fun!!!! I was on bedrest for 10 weeks...uhh really how are you suppose to be on bedrest with a toddler??? It is tough, my mom came to live with us for 10 weeks, she did hang on and was born at almost 38 weeks!!!