It's been a rough week at the McPherson household. It started last week when Alley began waking up all night long and was extremely fussy during the days. We just chalked it up to the mouthful of teeth trying to break through all at once. Finally Sunday afternoon I had had enough and since she woke up from her nap with flushed cheeks, I decided to check her temperature...102. Yikes! I had a bad mom moment! We got a doctor appointment for the next morning and Andy and I traded off staying home from work. The doctor said it was just drainage and she'd be fine (yeah right, she should come and stay with Alley over night!!). Needless to say, it seem to just get worse and her temperature didn't go down. I finally got an appointment Wednesday with the nurse (whom I LOVE and is Alley's advocate!!) and we charged on in. Final verdict...Ear infection (and she has tubes!!!!!!), RSV symptoms and off to the hospital for x-rays to make sure it's not pneumonia...yikes...we spent all morning at the hospital but were rewarded with the news of a negative on pneumonia! Praise Jesus:) So, the poor little monkey is on steroids, ear infection meds, breathing treatments every 4 hours (yes, I do have to wake her up during the night...ugh!) and benadryl because her drainage is so bad she's throwing it all up (I know, too much info...sorry). Anyway, today was much better ...Mimi came over to watch Alley today so Andy and I could go to work - yeah, thanks Mimi!! Alley LOVED having mimi visit and play (mimi took her outside to play - she is now Alley's favorite!). Here are some adorable pictures from their travels:)

So they didn't get too far...but they sure did have some fun! Let's pray for a good day tomorrow back in daycare...yikes!
Hi Katherine! Poor, poor little baby girl!! I'm so glad to hear she is feeling better. Those ear infections are awful!
Very cute pictures! Wow, I didn't know she was so sick. Please give her a hug from us!
Just reading this...hope she's on the mend now! She's too cute!!
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