The family photo on the steps of the Wren building
Welcome to the circus! Sit back, relax and enjoy the show...and please pray for the parents! ;)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
The weather was so wonderful this weekend! We spent a lot of our time outside enjoying the three day weekend. We started the holiday weekend off with a walk down town to eat breakfast (yummy!) and finished the morning up with a long walk and visit over at my grandmother's house. My aunt and uncle came up from Georgia for a few days, so we did a lot of visiting with them and my grandmother. After church on Sunday we left to go to Williamsburg for the night. Our close friends, Tom and LeeAnn Rasey, came with us and we had a great time shopping at the outlets and visiting colonial Williamsburg. Alley did so well on this over night trip, which was a huge relief since she doesn't do well when her schedule is messed up! Here are some pictures from the weekend in Williamsburg:
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Weekend photos
Where did the warm weather go? It was here on Saturday but gone today! On Saturday we spent almost the whole day outside basking in the sun...but today we were confined to the indoors only to watch the rain and feel the cold through the glass door. Ugh...I am not a fan of cold wet days, and neither is Alley. Hopefully the warm, sunny weather will be back this week:)
On another note, Alley gave us a wonderful gift two days in a row - she slept in until 8am!!! I was up at 7am just waiting to hear her start talking...and I waited an hour in disbelief! I thought, surely Sunday morning will be back to normal...nope...8am rolls around and she calls out "mommeeee!". She is still going to bed around 6:30pm, so I have no clue what got into her, but I love it:)
Here are some pictures from our Sunday inside:
Alley having some quiet time in the play room - oddly enough, she was in here for almost an hour playing quietly - she even forgot about dinner!!! We eventually had to call her to eat over 45 minutes after she normally eats - crazy!
On another note, Alley gave us a wonderful gift two days in a row - she slept in until 8am!!! I was up at 7am just waiting to hear her start talking...and I waited an hour in disbelief! I thought, surely Sunday morning will be back to normal...nope...8am rolls around and she calls out "mommeeee!". She is still going to bed around 6:30pm, so I have no clue what got into her, but I love it:)
Here are some pictures from our Sunday inside:
Daddy and Alley taking a break from playing

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day!! Today was a great day:) The weather was beautiful and I got to spend it with family and good friends. After church this morning we went with some friends to Mother's Day brunch at a local restaurant (yum!) and completely stuffed ourselves! Then after Alley's nap we went over to Granny's house to celebrate Mother's Day with Mimi, Papa and Granny. We had a great time playing and eating. Here are some pictures from tonight:
Four generations
Thank you Granny and Mom for all the love and support you give daily! I couldn't do it without you and I sure wouldn't be where I am today with out you!!! And Happy Mother's Day to my mother-in-law, Sally! Thank you for raising such a wonderful son and for all you do! We miss you!
Much love to you all on this Mother's Day:)
Alley delicately playing the piano (just with her fingers)

Much love to you all on this Mother's Day:)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Race for a Cure
This weekend the whole Alley-McPherson clan ran in the Race for a Cure. We have been running this race for the past several years and have really enjoyed supporting this cause. As many of you all know, my mom had breast cancer and beat all the odds to be here today. I run this race for my mom who has shown incredible strength, unwavering faith, unquestionable love and amazing endurance through a time in her life when she could have given up. She is an amazing mother and the absolute least I can do is to run by her side in this race year after year to show my support and thanks for her and what she went through. We had a wonderful race and look forward to many more years of celebrating!
Our good friends Tom and LeeAnn came down with us to run in the race (thanks guys!!!!!). We all had a blast! - Here is a before picture of us
Here is Alley the night before the race - going out for a pre-race walk
Mimi and Alley enjoying the weather (and the rocks in the driveway!)

Monday, May 4, 2009
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