Where did the warm weather go? It was here on Saturday but gone today! On Saturday we spent almost the whole day outside basking in the sun...but today we were confined to the indoors only to watch the rain and feel the cold through the glass door. Ugh...I am not a fan of cold wet days, and neither is Alley. Hopefully the warm, sunny weather will be back this week:)
On another note, Alley gave us a wonderful gift two days in a row - she slept in until 8am!!! I was up at 7am just waiting to hear her start talking...and I waited an hour in disbelief! I thought, surely Sunday morning will be back to normal...nope...8am rolls around and she calls out "mommeeee!". She is still going to bed around 6:30pm, so I have no clue what got into her, but I love it:)
Here are some pictures from our Sunday inside:
Daddy and Alley taking a break from playing

getting ready to go upstairs on her own

watching the cars go by...and saying "bye-bye" to each one...

Alley having some quiet time in the play room - oddly enough, she was in here for almost an hour playing quietly - she even forgot about dinner!!! We eventually had to call her to eat over 45 minutes after she normally eats - crazy!
Alley is such a little cutie pie. I love the picture of her and Mommy!
Gotta love her fascination with books! :)
Wow, an hour playing quietly? I cannot even imagine!!! I'm lucky if mine plays for 3 minutes quietly! That's awesome!
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