Sunday, October 4, 2009

Football Saturday

I love Saturdays in the fall. I love the cool mornings, the crisp air, the colors of the well as the excitement of a day tailgating and watching your favorite team win:) Today we watched the HSC tigers beat the Bridgewater Eagles on our home field. It was a great game (which I actually got to watch because Alley was napping - woo-hoo - victory!) and awesome long as food is around, I'll think it's the best tailgating ever;)
I tried to get some photos of Alley...she was acting so photogenic;) Of course the day Alley is wanting pictures taken of her is the day my camera acts SUPER slow!! Go figure...Anyway, all these photos are a second too late, but she was so cute I had to post them.

Striking a pose:)
I went to take a picture and she sat down and said "cheeeeese"
Getting ready for the big game

Alley has started singing all the time. She breaks into songs at the most random the grocery store, at a football game, in the tub, when we put her down for bed or nap...during prayers! I have tried to get her to sing on camera because she is sooooo darn cute when she does it! Tonight I was able to get one of her many songs on video. I'm going to continue to try and get her singing twinkle twinkle little star - she sings that one ALL the way through and on key!! Amazing:)
The video will not upload - go figure - so I'm going to continue to try and get it up at some point today...


Bunch of Barrons said...

Aw...too cute! Getting so big!

The Michna's said...

I love the fall. What a fun time of year! Cute pics!!

ashleigha said...

Aww...she doesnt look like a baby anymore:( She is such a cutie

Jessica said...

Love that dress!