Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 3..whew..

As I have promised many of you, here is Kendall's birth story plus some pictures from the past couple of days:)

I went to the doctor on Monday and found that my amniotic fluid level was really low. The doctor struggled to find pockets big enough to measure, and the ones that were, had the umbilical cord in it. He wanted to induce right away, but since I was preterm, he had to consult my high risk OBGYN in Richmond. The doctor said to wait but that if there was anything that felt different to immediately go to the hospital. So, off we went (home that is). Usually Kendall is VERY active after my appointments because of all the poking, prodding and monitoring that gets done. Well, after this appointment I felt almost no movement. She would shift her weight every so often, but nothing big. Anyway, I was sent the next morning to the Labor & Delivery floor to be monitored. My doctor came up in the morning to see me and check me then said he's be back later to check me for progress. By the time he came back I had started contracting (slightly - I didn't know it, but I was!) and had dialated a little more, so I was immediately put in a room. They started my induction at 10:10pm.
Mom and Dad were in town, so they came out to keep us company and my Aunt and Uncle so graciously stayed at our house while Alley slept! By midnight my contractions were really strong, manageable but strong! I decided to get my epidural since I figured I had a long way to go in this labor! Well, the epidural worked on only my left side...oh Lord help me was all I could think. The poor anesthesiologist kept working to see if he could get it to numb my right side, but nothing worked. So, I continued to labor through it with a numb left 2am the nurse came in to check me and found I was 5cm dialated...Lord it could be another 5 hours of this! The pain was not pleasant at all - it never went away. Around 2:20am the nurse came in to ask if I was pushing...I laughed at her and said absolutely not! -as I'm grabbing the railings to hold on for dear life through the next contraction. I was not amused by her statement. She asked if she could check me...sure, why not. She looked up at me and said "are your ready to have a baby?" - I stared at her and laughed, sure I was, that's why I'm here isn't it?! She said, "you're 10cm dialated and she's coming out!". Oh Lord! Then the flurry of activity started...without going into any detail - the doctor had to hold Kendall's head in while they finished setting up, then 2 pushes and the head was out, 2 pushes the body came out...and at 2:36am Kendall Ann McPherson made her arrival:)
So that's how it all went down...Here are some pictures from the past few days...

Kendall all ready to leave the hospital (we left after 24hrs)
We stopped by to see Granny who is in the rehab center recovering from Hip surgery
Aunt Gayle holding Kendall
The introduction...Alley was unsure of Kendall for all of 2 we can't keep her away!
"holding" Kendall

Checking out Kendall with Mimi

snuggling with Kendall

I guess she felt left out?!
We are all doing well, alittle tired, but we are surviving! Kendall has developed a small case of jaudice that we are monitoring and has dropped her weight down to 5lbs 12oz, but hopefully she'll started feeding better and all that will be in the past:) I will try to keep everyone updated!


A.K. said...

congrats!!! reading this is getting me very excited for our little one! enjoy every moment with your new little one!!!

The Michna's said...

Kendall is so precious. I love the picture of you and Alley looking at her. Congrats to your family!

Jenny said...

Congrats! I had the same problem with the epidural. It almost makes the pain on the non-numb side worse since it's one extreme to the next. It sounded pretty quick though, and that is all you can hope for!
She is adorable.

Katie said...

I'm glad it went fairly smoothly!! Alley looks so huge on that blanket next to Kendall!

Kim said...

Love following your precious family. I can't believe how big Alley is getting. Kendall is beautiful. Congratulations to both of you or should I say three of you. Come see us:) Love Kim Rice