Friday, April 16, 2010

I claim her...

Three months have past and Kendall is still a dream. Sh is such a happy baby. She smiles constantly and is beginning to talk everybody's ear off (even if they aren't paying attention). She has grown leaps and bounds in size...she is quite fluffy now, which I love! I'm a squeezer so I love when my babies have extra "stuffing". I was a fluffy baby, so they come by it honestly. Kendall is beginning to look more like me with each day. The only two things that I see are Andy's is her blue eyes (please stay!!) and her extremely laid-back personality. (Sorry Alley, you got my brown eyes and high-strung personality!). Here are some pictures to emphasize our similarities:

me at 3-4 months - smiling away

Kendall at 3 months showing us her potential pearly whites

me- staring at someone (probably my dad or mom)

Kendall- staring at me:)
Here are the things Kendall is doing at 3 months:
  • we put her on an every 4 hour feeding schedule (it's working great so far!)
  • she's smiling constantly (she smiled through her bath and hair washing yesterday with a goofy grin...that crazy girl!)
  • She is talking (cooing) up a storm and wont let anyone in on the conversation...she'll just coo right on over you!
  • she's sleeping almost all the way through the night (last night she ate at 9:30pm and then didn't eat again until it:)
  • we are working on her napping in the crib instead of her infant seat (let's face it, she's almost touching to floor with her feet...yeah, it's about time!) - right now she's napping in the crib and doing wonderfully! She sleeps great in the crib at night, so why not try it for naps:)
  • she has puffed out and is wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month clothing, but she is super long!
  • She is still going strong in cloth diapers and I love!! I never thought I'd like cloth diapers, but I am wishing I had started Alley out in them!
  • she watches Alley like a hawk - as Alley says "Kendall MY sista"
  • she loves music and will instantly lock eyes with you if you sing and she searches around for where the music is coming from when you play it.
  • she's still a sleeper (woo-hoo!) - of course daycare has been somewhat of a stumbling block in the sleep department (it's just too fun!)...but she comes home and sleeps like a champ so I won't complain.
We have been in love with Kendall from day 1 and our love is growing by the second. She is my precious baby.


A.K. said...

i definitely see the resemblance!!! now how about some cute cloth diaper pics... nothing cuter than a baby in just a cloth diaper!!!

The Michna's said...

It sounds like Kendall is really on a great schedule that works for her and Mom & Dad! Can't believe she's 3 months old already! She's so cute and perfect:)

Bunch of Barrons said...

Wow...I said it before, but after seeing those shots I'm convinced she looks JUST like you! Its funny how your 2 kiddos resemble each of you. Alley looks so much like Andy! :) They are both precious!

ashleigha said...

She certainly looks like you as a baby:) I love squishy babies, i had one and one skinny one..who I was afraid I would break until she finally put a little meat on her. Glad she is such a content baby

Jessica said...

Yep, she looks like you!!! That's so fun!