me at 3-4 months - smiling away

- we put her on an every 4 hour feeding schedule (it's working great so far!)
- she's smiling constantly (she smiled through her bath and hair washing yesterday with a goofy grin...that crazy girl!)
- She is talking (cooing) up a storm and wont let anyone in on the conversation...she'll just coo right on over you!
- she's sleeping almost all the way through the night (last night she ate at 9:30pm and then didn't eat again until it:)
- we are working on her napping in the crib instead of her infant seat (let's face it, she's almost touching to floor with her feet...yeah, it's about time!) - right now she's napping in the crib and doing wonderfully! She sleeps great in the crib at night, so why not try it for naps:)
- she has puffed out and is wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month clothing, but she is super long!
- She is still going strong in cloth diapers and I love!! I never thought I'd like cloth diapers, but I am wishing I had started Alley out in them!
- she watches Alley like a hawk - as Alley says "Kendall MY sista"
- she loves music and will instantly lock eyes with you if you sing and she searches around for where the music is coming from when you play it.
- she's still a sleeper (woo-hoo!) - of course daycare has been somewhat of a stumbling block in the sleep department (it's just too fun!)...but she comes home and sleeps like a champ so I won't complain.
i definitely see the resemblance!!! now how about some cute cloth diaper pics... nothing cuter than a baby in just a cloth diaper!!!
It sounds like Kendall is really on a great schedule that works for her and Mom & Dad! Can't believe she's 3 months old already! She's so cute and perfect:)
Wow...I said it before, but after seeing those shots I'm convinced she looks JUST like you! Its funny how your 2 kiddos resemble each of you. Alley looks so much like Andy! :) They are both precious!
She certainly looks like you as a baby:) I love squishy babies, i had one and one skinny one..who I was afraid I would break until she finally put a little meat on her. Glad she is such a content baby
Yep, she looks like you!!! That's so fun!
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