A few weeks ago, we were able to have a good friend take some family portraits of us. They were in town for an HSC football game and to visit their old stomping grounds. They graciously took some time the morning they left to get a few shots in. We are very thankful for their talent and friendship:) Here are some of our favorite shots.
The girls not sure of this whole early morning smile fest;)

the twins
Kendall checking Alley's teeth out...Alley's first dental exam;)
this was just too sweet! I love these two!!
Almost all of us are smiling..amazingly, our smiley girl, Kendall, was very stubborn with her smiles! Go figure;)
making faces
sleepy eyes
sweet older sis
cheesy grin
which pine cone...this one or that one?
sisterly love and squeezes
so much sugar to go around
this picture just captures it all...Kendall is always finding something to put in her mouth and Alley is always trying to torture Kendall
look at me! I'm a big girl:)
no I will not look at you...the grass is more interesting
so serious
no, mom, I was not eating dirt...
really mom, don't you trust me?!
she looks like she's got something up her sleeve!
playing with the grass
Kendall trying to steal the dirt and grass from Alley...yes, it's a daily occurrence
sweet kisses for sissy...even if she steals all my toys
We greatly appreciate Courtney Turlington's talent and her willingness to capture our
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