Thursday, January 20, 2011

...and she's 1!

Today Kendall is 1...

Day 1, January 20th, 2010

Day 365, January 20th, 2011

I really cannot believe it's been a year already! I feel like just yesterday I was on bed rest wondering when she was going to make her appearance and whether it was going to be at an appropriate time or extremely inconvenient;) She was definitely raring to go and just couldn't wait to see the world. She has brought so much joy to our lives! She is such a smiley baby and generally very very happy.  Here are some things she's been up to:
  • started walking a few days before turning had been taking steps all by yourself at 10months, but didn't really take off and take 10 or more steps until right before 11months
  • You are such a happy baby, but when you want something you definitely let us know;)

  • you have 6 teeth all up front and haven't gotten another tooth in the past several months
  • you ADORE your sister and love to be around her...I must say, Alley feels the same way about Kendall too! Whew!

  • you have completely dropped all your bottles and it went relatively now LOVE your first it was quite a love/hate relationship;)
  • You have your days or not wanting to nap, but other days you do just fine napping. Amazingly, you nap better at school...what?!

  • you still have bright blue eyes and blond hair with some red highlights
  • You are topping the charts in height and weight, but so did Alley (as well as your mother...shhhhh)

  • you love anything and everything that makes noise. Your current favorite toy is a little kitty that purrs and meows when you pet LOVE it!!
  • you will walk up to ANYTHING that looks soft and put your thumb in your mouth and lay your head on it. I think it's so cute;) You are a texture girl!

  • you are babbling like crazy!!! You will say some words and use them at the right say "thank you", "up", "bye-bye", "momma", "dadda", "ball", etc. 
  • Since you started moving at 4 months, you haven't wanted to be held down. You are an EXTREMELY active child...and I mean extremely!!! Whew, you have worn me out!

  • you will follow your sister anywhere and are the happiest when she is paying attention to you
  • you look nothing like your sister but so much like your mother when she was a's about time;)

  • you seem to have a very tender heart just like your sister
  • you are happy to be a follower...which is good, because your sister is happy to be the leader;)

Happy Birthday to my baby girl! We are so blessed and honored to be your parents. We love you and your sister more than words can express!


Jena-Marie said...

Happy Birthday Kendall. Oh what a cutie!

Jenny said...

What a great list!! She is so cute. Today is Blake's half Birthday. They are half a year apart! :)

Happy Birthday, Kendall!

A.K. said...

Happy Birthday Kendall!!! We saw your Mimi and Papa today up at St Matthew's and they are so excited about seeing you this weekend- have fun!

Katie said...

That's unbelievable! Happy first birthday!!

The Michna's said...

Cute pictures! The girls have such a special relationship:) Happy birthday to your baby!