I couldn't have had a better Mother's Day this year. The weather was beautiful, we got to spend a lot of time outside enjoying each others company, we got to worship and spend a morning with close friends at church and then we got to celebrate the day with a wonderful dinner with my role models. Who could have asked for a better day?! It seems like each year just keeps getting better and better...I guess it could have something to do with the fact I seem to keep having babies;)
My first "baby" - little Andy

MY baby - little Catherine:)
Momma and her girls...all three of them
looks like we have another one with those beautiful curls...yippy!
sweet big sis playing hard in the yard
having a sisters meeting at the magnolia tree....hmmm, I wonder what transpired between those two...or, maybe I don't want to know!
4 generations...I wont tell you how many pictures we had to take before we got a decent one with all of us looking...;)
Happy Mother's Day to all the women out there...but especially to my mom and grandmother who have inspired me and taught me so much. I love you two and feel so incredibly blessed to be called your daughter and granddaughter!!!
So wonderful :) It's great that you were all able to get together for your Mother's Day!!
We are also quite blessed to be mothers and grandmothers of our daughter, daughter-in-law, and our three adorable granddaughters! Happy Mother's Day to you!
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