Saturday was dubbed Fun-Filled Water Day in the McPherson household. It signaled the end of summer camps for Andy, so it was a day we celebrated being a whole family once again....of course, football preseason begins in little over a week, so we are trying to take advantage of every opportunity to be with him!
The day started off with a walk to McDonald's for breakfast...could it have started off any better;)! There we discovered cinnamon rolls....what?! How did I miss that McDonald's had cinnamon rolls?! Oh they were delicious and absolutely gone in seconds...I still don't know if the girls even saw them;) Anyway, with that confession on the table, we finished up our walk and then spent some time playing a reading together. Alley had her last swim lesson on Saturday morning, so we all went out to cheer her on and see how much she has learned. This girl has LOVED swimming lessons! She has improved greatly and I look forward to her taking more lessons. This was just a beginning to swimming, where they learn just to be comfortable with the water, going under, kicking and floating. She has started learning how to breathe while swimming and it's hilarious! We need to get this girl some more lessons;)
Here she is waiting for her turn

"breathing" and "kicking"
You should have seen her face when she'd come up from the water to breathe...hilarious!
After lunch and nap time, we all ventured to Longwood's fountains to play in the water. It was incredibly hot outside and we felt the girls needed a little change in routine. They have been begging to go outside the past few weeks, but let's face it, I am not going out in this heat! I will confess, this fountain is two blocks from our house and I JUST remembered it was there! We would have been doing this all summer if I had remembered it was there. Oh well...the girls just loved playing in the fountains!
Investigating and totally unsure
following the leader
Oh yeah, we are loving it!
running through all the spouts of water
hmmmm, what was I doing?!!
The water got me!
Kendall's favorite thing, trying to sit on all the water spouts...she's too funny:)
checking it all out
We had a great time and all slept extremely well:) We might just have to do this again!
1 comment:
Looks like you had an awesome day! I love water and it looks like the girls do too!
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