Normalcy...what is that? For the past four weeks I've been trying to find our family's new normal. But it's quite an elusive character that normalcy. The moment I think we've gotten a good routine, or "normal", something happens...someone gets sick, someone has a growth spurt and thinks I'm a 24hour bar, someone has a rough night and keeps getting out of bed, or everyone has one of those days that we all need to be locked in our own padded room...yes, normalcy, you are quite an elusive character in the McPherson household.
Yet life is still good. We are coping with the best of them and learning how to survive and live one minute at a time. I can't believe Miss Mary Cate is already 4 weeks old. She has been complete joy. From the moment we brought her home from the hospital, she has been so wonderful. She's a great sleeper during the night (she sleeps for over 6 hrs straight before she wakes up to feed at night), she looooves to cuddle, really only likes to be held up on your shoulder, and is not too sure about the binkie but will take it if she is hungry. She is super long and is busting out of newborn clothes because she's long, but the 0-3 month clothes are just huge on her:) She has developed colic, which is frustrating because she is so amazing the rest of the day. When she turned 3 weeks she suddenly started having serious tummy issues and was projectile vomiting. We got a sonogram done of her tummy and she was full of gas and had lots of poop in her that she was having a hard time eliminating it. Anyway, the doc said she had colic and it should go away by 4 months...only 3 left to go;) Over all, her colic isn't extreme. It's frustrating, yes, but it's only temporary. Her cuteness and sweet disposition far out way the colic she has!
Here are our three girls playing so didn't last long until there was screaming and the words "mine" being yelled...but it was sweet while it lasted;)

So this isn't a good picture at all, but I had to show it because of Kendall. Andy got out the camera and she immediately started saying cheese and getting right up into the camera lens. Andy told her to go sit down and she started posing. She was hilarious! Here she is in one of her poses saying "cheese". Alley isn't impressed...
So MC has huge feet and a really really long body...just a pick to show how long her feet and toes are:)
Mimi, Papa and Uncle John came on Monday (I know, I'm running a little late on this blog entry!) because they had no power due to hurricane Irene. We found a book at our local library that we had to get for Papa to read..."Old McDonald had a Woodshop"...PERFECT! Here they are reading the story.
Uncle John relaxing with a very relaxed MC
chatting it up
Alley wanted to hold MC...I thought this was cute. It looks like MC is staring at Alley:) And so it begins...the youngest looking up to the oldest...
I am going to try and do a better job at taking pictures and posting if only I could find that normalcy...
Are you just loving life with three girls? They are soo precious!!!!
24-hour bar... haha! Hope you are well - blessings to you and your beautiful family!
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