Alley absolutely looooves singing ( as does Kendall) and especially loves singing in the children's choir at my parents church. We were a little hesitant at first to let her go due to the fact it would require us to travel to Richmond most weekends...but it's actually worked out quite well for us. We haven't made it to every practice, but Alley has been able to learn the songs and learn all the other things they are teaching the young kids. I am actually really glad that we decided to do this. Alley has made some great new friends and she's learning so much about music, not just singing. This past Sunday, the children's choir had their first "performance" of the year. Alley had been talking about it for weeks and was so excited about it. I was secretly wondering if she'd even make it into the choir robe when she truly realized what they were expecting her to do. Alley is our reserved and shy child. I was pretty sure she wouldn't even go up front, let alone sing during church...boy did she prove me wrong!
HEre's the whole group practicing before church...yes, it was absolutely hilarious watching a bunch of 3-6 year olds singing (or staring at each other)

Alley making up her own words I'm sure;) She kept telling me the words to the song were "please me oh shepherd, please me..." - ooooookay
her best bud, Jack...Alley loves getting to see Jack at choir. Apparently they get a little out of hand sometimes and forget they are suppose to be listening during practice...I think I hear Andy cleaning his gun....
Alley all dressed and ready to perform
My sweet cherub;)
She did wonderful during the performance and sang the whole time. I can't say she got every word, but she did awesome for someone who only went to a few practices. Besides, someone had to blow kisses to Papa during the whole song;) Such a sweet loving little girl! I can't wait to see how it goes next time! Papa, get ready for some more kisses;)
Catherine, your mom sent me a link. Jack had a blast, too, and talked about Alley all the way home. Tell Andy he can put the gun away, Jack is a gentleman. Look at him! He had his hands in his pockets the whole time! :-) See you soon, Leslie.
She did an awesome job and blowing Papa kisses was the best! Look forward to seeing more of Alley and the cherubs in the future! "Mimi" Rickman
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