Wednesday, December 21, 2011


That's the story of my life right now...behind. I feel as though I am always trying to catch up. Everything is put on hold for when I can give it my attention. Of course, my attention right now is on what is family. Here are a few snap shots of what our family has been up to recently.

the sister do they look so much alike! Andy and I found some pictures of Alley when she was MC's age and if we didn't know better, we would have thought they were MC.

about a week or two ago, Granny gave the girls a gingerbread house kit. The girls had so much fun decorating it:) Of course Kendall spent more time sneaking the candy then putting it on the house;) as she says it, "I neeky, neeky"

Andy helping out with the decorating

that might have been the only piece of Kendall's to have made it on the house

Alley had so much fun "designing" the decor


hilarious, this is the best picture I had of the decorators...nobody looked at the camera or smiled at the same time...but, this is typically what goes on in our household...nobody is on the same page;)

if you walk into our house, you will be asked to read a story...these girls are passionate about reading and it sure makes my heart happy:)

big girl wanted in the camera action

Alley pretending she was Mary

This past weekend we al traveled to Richmond to celebrate my birthday and to have Alley participate in my prints church pageant. Mimi upholding the tradition of painting cookies...Alley was in heaven! She looooves this tradition.

working on the dough to make more cookies:) Day two of cookie making

getting in on the rolling action. She loved doing this special tradition with Mimi, all by herself:)

Kendall enjoying my birthday celebration...this girl sure likes cupcakes;)

the girls trying their hand at piano playing. They loooove music and will stop everything if they hear a song they like and they sing and dance like crazy. So mimi brought the piano out to the porch and the girls had at it:)

what a ham...she is NOT as innocent as she looks..."neeky, neeky"

a quick family photo...minus the youngest...I knew we were missing something;)

Kendall and her pockets. This girl is OBSESSED with pockets! Every morning, when she gets dressed, she asks for pockets. We pretty much have to walk around with a coat on if her outfit doesn't have pockets...what is it with pockets?! She imitating Mimi in this picture:)

I'm working on being more punctual with my posts and actually taking pictures...but I can't promise anything;)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I have slowed down too! It's such a busy time of the year! The girls are just too cute!