Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

We had a wonderful, jam-packed Easter weekend with family and friends. We decided to spend Easter at our house this year, which was relaxing and enjoyable:) We had lots of stuff planned for Saturday and then I hosted lunch after church for Granny and our close friends, the Sterlings. We had a fabulous weekend and are excited to spend today with my parents (we're having round 2 of Easter dinner and festivities!) YUM!

Alley started off Easter weekend right! While collecting her snack items, she told me she had to do her bible study as well. So she ran off and got her little pink bible and proceeded to read through it while munching away. 

 On Saturday, we participated in an Easter egg hunt at Pres. Howard's house (the President of HSC). The girls had so much fun! Almost all of Alley's friends from preschool were there (because all their dad's work at HSC with Andy!) so she had a blast. Too bad the tiger had to show up! The two older girls Freaked.Out...yes, I ended up carrying Kendall while Alley clung to my leg...

Kendall getting a purple butterfly on her appropriate for Easter! 

Alley was all the way on the opposite side of the table and she asked for a purple butterfly as well...I guess they have a little something in common;)

The girls. We had one of Alley's best buds hang out with us during most of the event because her mom was taking pictures for the school (of the event). Can you tell which child is a child of a professional photographer?! Yes, I would love to be able to get at least ONE good picture with all my girls smiling and looking at the that too much to ask?! yes....

Oh goodness, too many options...they had a cookie decorating table and the girls wanted to put everything on their cookies! Did I stop them?? Noooooo, I joined them;)

 The girls getting ready for the sack race. Kendall was pumped...Alley was a little skeptical;)

Kendall getting her game face on and checking out the competition...

 A little pep-talk from daddy

Aaaaaannnnnd, she's off...

 Yes, MC was there...but we kept her contained. Plus she had a runny nose and was boycotting naps and sleep in general...

 THE EGG HUNT! The girls did really well for never having done this before. We didn't even help them, so I am impressed:)

Which way do we go??

MC trying to help daddy clean up after our big Easter dinner

Aaaannnnndddd she's up...yikes! This is how I find her in her crib all.the.time...THIS is why she's not been sleeping...ugh!...

 my attempt at taking an Easter photo of the girls...failure #1

 2 out of 3...oh my...failure #2...I.AM.DONE;)

HAPPY EASTER!! He is RISEN indeed!! Praise the Lord:)

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