Friday, May 11, 2012


For the past 3 days, the McPherson's have been MIA...and it felt GREAT! The girls and I tagged along with Andy to his meeting at Virginia Beach. What was meant to be just a 2 hour meeting was turned into a 3 day escape:) How can you turn down a gift of a beach front hotel?! I sure couldn't!:) I will say, amidst the excitement, I was a little apprehensive about an overnight stay in a hotel with all the girls. I mean, let's face it, our last hotel adventure didn't end up so hot. Thank goodness we had a much better time this go around and no repeat performances from Roanoke...whew! The temps were great but the wind was quite cold. We did manage a little time outside though. The girls spent the rest of their time at the indoor pool. They absolutely looooove swimming.

Our first run on the beach. Thank goodness for the break in rain clouds:)

racing around

digging a a dog

 daddy being a warrior and pushing the stroller in the sand the whole time:)

getting chased by the FREEZING freaked Kendall out so much that from that moment on, she refused to even go near the ocean

happy as a bright she wouldn't keep her eyes open.

serious thinker

dig, dig, dig

digging is tiring work

Kendall smelling the sand....yuuuup, that sums it up...

The Neptune statue...the girls would randomly start talking about the man holding a turtle then part, he was located right next to a playground ON the beach! Praise Jesus!

checking out the playground...I think she was trying to decide if she should just jump over or listen to her mother and walk around...ultimately she did the right thing;) Whew!

 to slide...or not to slide?


First thing they did when they woke up...go straight to the porch and look out at the ocean

ready to take on the world....let me out!

eating breakfast...somebody has to tie this little thing down when she eats because she is constantly moving and wont eat unless you sit there making her

watching some cartoons and eating

moved to a much better view...I'm right there with ya girl;)

the view from our room

playing with daddy

on the go

patiently wait to go to the pool with daddy

trying to escape....again;)

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