Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pumpkin weather

Tis the season for pumpkins, chilly nights, beautiful colors, and children begging to get pumpkins like everyone else (when have we ever conformed to those around us...?!). I had planned on us taking our first ever trip to pick our own pumpkins at the local pumpkin patch, but alas, that was waaaaay too much trouble, so we had a pick our own pumpkin party at good ol' Kroger;) If I ever feel too confident in my parenting skills, then we can always take a trip to the pumpkin patch later to ring me back to reality;) Anyway, back to being just like our neighbors...Instead of carving the pumpkins, we decided to paint them...what was I thinking??! 

Alley getting ready to start painting

pink is the first color on the pumpkin...why would I think otherwise;)

very serious about painting


sharing...oooo I like it:)

so many colors, so little time...

"I'ma colorin my pun-kin momma. It has lots of colors on it because it wants to be pretty"

Meanwhile, back at the circus...

busy-body doing what she does best...motoring along

pausing in her performance to explain something super serious to me...

still working hard

 MC giving Alley some advice on what color she should put where

enjoying a little sunshine and paints...this little artisit is in heaven:)

too busy making her masterpiece to even look at the camera

back at the circus, MC is trying to swing in circles on her belly...only to fall out the moment she gets in

colorss glorious colors

Final product

oops, we lost one...or maybe all three...;)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love the pumpking painting too... seems to last longer and less goop to deal with. :)