Today is the day that it's finally acceptable to wear costumes all day long. Whew, we've been waiting for a day that we (our circus of a household) are actually doing something that is normal;) If any of you know us, you know that the girls tend to hang around the house either in dress-up clothes or caught in transition from outfit to outfit. Sometimes this transitional period can last awhile, so please forgive our naked-ness if you happen to drop's merely a costume change;)
With that being said, if you've viewed the pictures already, you'll see totally different costumes from the last post, our Halloween parade. Yes, we had a little dress rehearsal and the actors decided they wanted to be different this director decided to go with the flow...besides, it's not a salvation issue right?! Noah did save two of every fairy, princess kitty and fairy ballerina, not just giraffes and cows...right?!;)
We had our biggest Halloween yet...we hit up 4, yes i said FOUR, houses this year! We beat our record of 2 last year. Woo-hoo!;) Sorry, I have to live it up now because I know pretty soon they will be running us ragged with all this house-hopping and candy grabbing. Who knows, next year they might want to go trick-or-treating downtown AND in our neighborhood...yikes;) Alright, enough of that growing up stuff...
Yes, our new neighborhood does it right, they hang out at the end of their driveway, in the cold, to hand out candy. The girls loved looking at the pumpkins and meeting everyone. Of course, in Kendall fashion, she walk right up to this elderly man and woman and said, "What's your name? I'ma Kendall." Yes, they got several pieces of candy for that little introduction:)

gathering some more candy...does anyone else's children look like squirrels gathering nuts when getting candy? Ok, maybe just mine, thanks y'all...
the little one even getting in on the action...she got one piece the whole night because she refused to let go of her bucket and that one piece of candy. She tried to grab other pieces while still holding on to everything else, but it just didn't work out for her;)
holding that candy like someone was going to steal it...
pausing for a friendly game of catch
yes, I'm that mother, the 4th house we trick-or-treated at was ours:)
Yes! The piece of candy made it to the end:)
satisfied little fairy
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