Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wedding Fun

A little over a week ago, the McPherson circus headed down to Texas to participate in my little brothers wedding. We were all so excited to get together with family and have an excuse to have fun! It was a wonderful weekend with some incredible experiences and memories. I am so glad we all could make it:) A special shout out goes to my sister-in-law who took all these great photos! 

The 6 pressure John, we each have 3...;)

because we aren't a normal family...we can't get away without having a "normal" photo of our kids;)

Kendall hanging out all alone in her

the girls cracking peanuts at Aunt Kim's parents house.

Back at the ranch;) Carlee Scott teaching everyone how to swim and stay safe...

I love this!!

CS being a sweet older cousin by letting Alley wear her goggles and helping her put them on. They were great friends this weekend!

The Alley-McPherson-Noel guys...AKA, the cousins

The sisters

The cousins and spouse-siblings;) sorry Noels!

Best Sisters:) 16 years and still going strong;)

The flower girls and their ballet dresses

cousin twins! They were adorable this weekend. They hugged every chance they could get:)

daddy and his girls

my sweet, amazing man...looking good Mr. McPherson;)

Andy and his twin;)

a sweet first dance

so special:)

Oh John, we feel the exact same way when we see a ring on your finger!!!

Alley enjoying the dancing

Everyone taking part in the festivities

The send off....well done newlyweds, well done:)

Cheers to a wonderful weekend of celebrations...

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