Friday, December 13, 2013

The makings of Christmas!

Every year when Christmas rolls around, my girls become fascinated with snow globes. Alley will always bring up the snow globe "she once had" (all spoken in a very wistful tone) and how much she loved it and wishes she had a new one. Back track, Alley had a miniature snow globe once and she broke it...end of story. After wading through several days of "remembering my snow globe", I was, hear the local library was having a "build your own snow globe event". Couldn't have been better timing on that one! Call me a mean mom, but I am NOT going out to purchase a snow globe...I'm not sentimental and snow globes are weird...there, worst mom of the year award, taken. Back to the story, I told the girls we had a fun event planned for the afternoon, but didn't tell them what it was. I love building the suspense;) When we got to the library, they about died and told me I was the Oh yeah, take that! Anyway, we met up with some friends at the library and had a fun time making those creepy, beautiful snow globes. It was love at first sight for all three...whose kids are these??!!
I told the girls to stand at attention with their hands behind their backs so they wouldn't touch anything while the directions were being given...hehe, they look like little soldiers. They did well:)

all ready for the liquid

excited sisters:)

showing off their magical globes:) 
MC had a penguin, K a wolf and A and tree...and lots of glitter!

After our fun with the snow globe project, we went out to dinner with our friends and watched the town Christmas parade. To make the evening even more exciting, MC proceeded to bust open her chin at the sandwich shop. She barely cried, so I assumed it wasn't bad and just slapped a band aid on it. We made it all the way through the parade (it was short!) before I realized the cut was deeper and worse than I thought. Andy had a home basketball game right then, so he got the doc to meet us in his office and check out MC's chin. While we were there, MC dropped her snow globe and it She cried more then, than when she cut her chin! Anyway, she got her chin glued and we went on our way...sniffing and letting crocodile tears stream down our cheeks as we passed the snow globe carnage...RIP little creepy penguin. 

A few days later, we invited some friends to join us for a Gingerbread House party:) We built and decorated gingerbread house while enjoying the company of some great friends:) 

 the whole clan decorating away

After all the craziness of that week, I had to enjoy a little alone time with the Christmas tree lights...serene and quiet...Merry Christmas yall!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Merry Christmas McPhersons! You all look great!