Easter weekend at the McPherson household was busy! We started off with a little slave labor;) Our girls eat a.ton.of.fruits.and.veggies. I will confess, I do not enjoy cutting up veggies or fruit. I seem to buy a lot and then they sit in the fridge because I just don't feel like peeling and cutting them. I had a brilliant thought this week…God gave me three girls, obviously they are for slave labor…if they want to eat it, they've got to learn to peel and cut it. Perfect! So, veggie prep lesson 1 began…
I must say it was a huge success! I monitored it all but the girls did fantastic! Oh to never have to peel and cut veggies again…oh happy day!;)
On Saturday, Andy and I went to work on our veggie/fruit gardens. Andy made me a neat little window box stand for my strawberries, herbs and some of my spinach. It turned out great! I hope I have a green thumb;/ Andy also made some raised beds in our yard for our bell peppers, cucumbers and more spinach. I need to pat him on the back, he also made an awesome irrigation system…because let's face it, I always forget to water!;)
here's my window box planters:)

After a long day of gardening, we set out to watch the Tigers take on UNC in baseball. Here's alley with the Tiger. Yeah for beautiful weather!!

After a busy weekend, we enjoyed a relaxing Easter Sunday.
Daddy and his girls
The McPherson girls
My three girls all ready for Church.
this is how we felt at the beginning of the day...
Then after our sugar high, this is how we felt! ;)
We ended the day with some great friends, great food and roasting marshmallows by the fire.
He is Risen!! What a glorious day!! Happy Easter!
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