Sunday, January 17, 2016


So it snowed again…a lot more than last time. Did they cancel school? No. Did they plow the roads? No. Did they expect you to just drive normally? Yes. Welcome to Illinois! Seriously, they are saying this is a mild winter. Mild winter?!! Ummm, I am not looking forward to what they determine is a regular winter…

So I might not be on board with this winter weather, but the girls sure do love it!

we found a perfect sled at Goodwill. Jackpot!

So apparently every park is required to make a man-made hill. Why you may ask? Because Illinois is extremely flat and it snows a lot here and the kids have to have some place to sled. Its pretty awesome. We have a large park just a few houses down from us and it has a big hill that the girls loved sledding down.
Beautiful weather for pictures…but it was freezing!

Some friends came out to join us. All the kids had a blast together 

As much as I could do without snow, it is fun for the kids. Plus, its an excuse to overload your system with Hot chocolate and marshmallows. Sign me up!!

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