Last week Kendall went to the doctor for her 1 month check-up. It was a very quick appointment with no shots (thank goodness!). They just wanted to check her jaundice, weight and height/length. No lie, it was a 5 minute appointment!! The report...she is doing beautifully!! Her jaundice looks better and seems to be improving each day (whew!) AND...she has gained a good amount of weight! Yeah! We were concerned about her eating/weight so the doctor told me to pump and give her the milk from a bottle. After that, she seemed to gain weight at a rapid pace. So bottle feeding in conjunction with the decrease in her jaundice level (high jaundice levels make babies lethargic and sleepy, which makes it hard for them to eat) helped her reach 7lbs 8oz by her 1 month birthday! We are so happy with our little chunky-monkey:) Of course, she also gained 1 and 1/2 inch in 4 weeks as well, so she's a long little thing! Recently Kendall has been staying awake for longer periods of time, holding her head up on her own for several seconds, and smiling a lot (you can say it's from the gas, but it still melts my heart!). She sleeps beautifully at night. She'll wake up once (sometimes twice) to eat at night and then goes right back to sleep. She is still pretty laid back, but we've been having gassy issues for the past week which is making her a little fussy after eating. Overall though, she is a perfect baby and we are so blessed:)
We are having more camera issues and it completely died last week! So, we don't have many pictures of what life has been like in the McPherson household. Not that we've been doing much other than playing, resting and working. We are currently borrowing my parents camera while we research new ones - if anyone has a camera they love and would recommend, please let me know!!!
Finally, we've got eyes:)

waking up from a nap - thanks mom and dad for waking me:(

This week we finally had a semi-nice day outside, so we tested out our new double stroller. Both girls seemed to really love it! Kendall slept the whole time while Alley enjoyed patting her and checking on her...every second...
my sis and i both love our Nikon D40s. definitely makes taking pictures easier :)
She is so cute! Glad she is growing away!
The girls are so cute together in their stroller. Kendall is such a beautiful baby!!
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