We've been doing a lot of this:

And this:

Because of this:

We've had two BIG snow storms in the past week or so that have kept us from getting out. I am so ready for warmer weather so I can get both girls outside and so we can enjoy the fresh air. I think we're all getting stir crazy...even Kendall:
"Stop snowing!!!"

Alley has been a little helper. It's been fun watching her try to help me with everything, but at the same time I've got to watch Alley like a hawk around Kendall. Alley thinks that blankets go over peoples heads and not on their bodies...poor Kendall!

Kendall has been a champ! She sleeps so well and is such a cuddle bug. She is completely happy to either sleep in your arms or by herself in her crib or her infant seat. She is still wishy-washy about eating and has completely thrown our schedule to the wind! We'll get one eventually;) But how can you be frustrated about feedings when you look at a face like this:

We have been living in the playroom and living room over the past week or so and poor Kendall is getting moved around everywhere. Here she is all snug as a bug in a rug on Alley's bean-bag chair in the playroom. She's such a good and flexible baby:)

Hopefully this storm will pass and we'll be able to get outside soon. But for now...we will continue to cuddle up near the fire and read lots of books:) I hope everyone is staying warm!
What a dollbaby that Kendall is! And that first picture of Alley is insanely cute - I could eat her up! I may be biased, but my nieces are quite the beauties!!!
Both of the girls are so cute!! I'm praying to make it back before the superbowl tomorrow.. I hope to see you then!
And I love the picture of Kendall saying "stop snowing!" Haha!
Glad y'all are doing well! I think maybe it's supposed to stop today, but we'll see. Maybe we'll see y'all at church...if any of us can make it there? haha.
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