can sometimes get the best of you. The busyness takes over and you forget to stop and enjoy the small moments that make up your life. You focus on the negatives and forget to take a breath and enjoy the people who surround you. You worry about the things you cannot control and forget to relax and be thankful for all you have. It seems like we are always playing catch up to something...I think we all need to take notes from Alley on how to relax. Put your babies to bed (face down, in a row with the blanket covering their heads), prop your feet up and draw (on your magnadoodle)!
now, doesn't she look relaxed;)

focusing on the important things...drawing circles;)

Kendall has relaxing down to a science! Here she is hanging out in her stroller at the Heart of Virginia Festival while the rest of us enjoyed Chick-fil-a! She just cooed and smiled the whole time.

Here is our own resident lazy-bones. This girl likes to sleep! If she's not cooing, gurgling or eating, you'll find her asleep. She'll sleep anywhere...

precious toes

check out that sleeping position! I think she fell asleep in the middle of her stretch!

My goal for this month...stop playing catch up and enjoy the moments as they come, because you can never get back the ones you've missed. My girls are growing up way to fast and I don't want to miss a minute of it!
great pics! too cute!
That last picture is just too cute!!
Haha...what cute relaxing kiddos. Love Kendall's hat! :) Happy mother's day!
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