Here we are all dressed up and ready to go

The girls all ready to head out for the weekend

Alley insisting on kissing Kendall - she wants to give kisses every other's kinda cute;)

Alley wanting to help Tom push Garrett upon our arrival to Colonial W'burg (check out that cute froggy "bat-pat" (Alley's word for backpack)

all three kiddos - it'll probably be years before we can get them to smile and look at the camera together. Of course, in the next couple of years, they will probably be pushing each other and plenty of other things as well;)

dancing and swinging her arms to music no one hears (occasionally she'll let you in her world when out of the blue she starts sing - I mean yelling - a random song). I love this child!

another yearly picture...soon Alley's going to get to big for this - plus the other kids will want to do this as well;)

she's so willing to do this...
We had a wonderful trip despite Kendall's decision to act like a newborn. This was the first time all four of us have slept in the same room together. Kendall normally goes to sleep immediately with an occasional cry, but last night was a different story! She was over-stimulated and it was WAY past her we had a rough night - all of us! Despite our lack of sleep, the girls did amazingly well on our trip. Next year they will be older so it should be a much quieter night...right?! ;)
So, to end our glorious weekend, we started Kendall on rice cereal. Since she's a week over 4 months, we figured it was about time to venture into this territory. If we could get this girl to stop smiling, we might have actually gotten some into her mouth! She smiled the.whole.time. It actually was hilarious:) Here are some pictures of this milestone.

We had a wonderful trip despite Kendall's decision to act like a newborn. This was the first time all four of us have slept in the same room together. Kendall normally goes to sleep immediately with an occasional cry, but last night was a different story! She was over-stimulated and it was WAY past her we had a rough night - all of us! Despite our lack of sleep, the girls did amazingly well on our trip. Next year they will be older so it should be a much quieter night...right?! ;)
So, to end our glorious weekend, we started Kendall on rice cereal. Since she's a week over 4 months, we figured it was about time to venture into this territory. If we could get this girl to stop smiling, we might have actually gotten some into her mouth! She smiled the.whole.time. It actually was hilarious:) Here are some pictures of this milestone.
I'm about to smile since the spoon is coming to my mouth!
Such cute pictures. I love the alligator shirts. Matching clothes are teh cutest!
What a super fun weekend! I'm glad you guys had a great time :)
Happy Memorial day! Looks like y'all had a great time! :) All three kids are so that picture of them together!
I LOVE their matching outfits!
ps- you just got me really excited that in exactly a month we get to start Anna on rice cereal :)
I love the picture of the girls with their heads together - whether they're looking or not, it's adorable! Looks like a fun weekend - yeaa to shopping:)
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