Yesterday we decided to take Alley for a haircut. Her hair isn't extremely long, but it looks really straggly (if that's even a word!). It was right about this time
last year that she embarked on her first haircut (more towards September). She loved the place last year so much that we decided to go again for this one. Again, she did a great job! Of course it could have a lot to do with the fact you get to sit in really cool cars and watch any movie you want while getting your haircut!
Here is a before picture of her hair.

another before view - she has curly/wavy hair that is coming in in layers - ugh!

watching Dora - she asked who that was...whew!


all done and getting a pretty clip for her hair

check out my new do;)
I'm impressed she wasn't nervous! That place looks awesome, though :)
I remember the first haircut...she's still so cute! Was that the same lady that cut her hair the first time?
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