Little Miss Kendall has conquered another milestone today - she has now mastered rolling over! The funny part (or maybe more interesting than funny!) is that Alley rolled over at the exact same age - 4 months and 4 weeks:) The difference is that Alley rolled all the way over and pushed herself up, whereas Kendall rolled all the way over but then rolled all the way back on her back. Here is the progression:
She flipped her hips over (this is when I decided we needed the camera out so I could capture this milestone!) - still so intent on eating her hands/fists

pausing mid-flip to give our fists a little love - we would hate to leave them out of the fun;)

a little grinning and squealing to rope in the spectators

and here we go...she's like, mama, watch this

and here she is back on her back...forgot to take a picture of her on her tummy before she flipped back - I was too busy getting excited for her;) Hopefully she'll make this a habit so I can take some more pictures!

More from this week - Alley was insistent that she hold Kendall for a picture. I think Kendall is getting a little heavy for Alley. Alley's comment was, "All done, Kendall heby (heavy)". Kendall is close to sitting up (which should help with future pictures). She still tips over or leans so far forward her nose could touch the ground, but she is getting stronger every day. We could be in trouble soon! Especially if she continues to hit milestones like Alley did...we'll have a walker in less than 4 months...YIKES!!!

Sisters loving each other

Just an update from the potty-training front: we're taking a step back so as to not stress out Alley (or mommy!). I don't think she is quite ready. She was getting very frustrated and was refusing to sit on the potty and just wasn't in to the whole thing- not a good sign! So we've gone back to pull-ups and every hour or so we have her sit on the potty just in case! We will revisit potty training in another week or day we'll master it!;)
Man, your girls are ahead of the curve! Congrats to Kendall!
love that last picture of the two of them! good Job Kendall!! when are you gonna start feeding her baby food?! i'm trying to decide when to feed anna
Good job Kendall! :) love those shots of your two, and the one on your header is super cute.
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