Homemade, from scratch...yikes! Those words make me think of a messy kitchen, long hours over a hot stove, lots and lots of ingredients and an end result that doesn't taste delicious or look anything like the picture on the recipe! Now, there is no reason I should think like that. I come from a long line of amazing cooks. My mother makes
"scratch" seem easy and so incredibly delicious. She always has something delectable to share with whomever drops by around the dinner hour.
Mom, I'll be there by 5pm tonight, ok?! I also have no reason to "fear" homemade and scratch recipes. My grandmother taught me so much about cooking when I was younger and I have always loved helping out in the kitchen. So why, when I have a kitchen of my own, am I buying "meals-in-a-box"? I have great recipes, from great cooks, but I just felt like I didn't have the time or the energy. When we'd have guests over I would bring out those delicious recipes and we'd all eat yummy meals, but why not everyday? I'm famous for making casseroles that have everything you need for dinner in that one dish. Those are from scratch, but that's not the
"from scratch" I'm talking about. Our desserts come from boxes, plastic containers, drive-
thru windows and large tubs that somehow disappear faster then they are suppose to. So I set out this summer to prove to myself that, yes, I
can make from scratch items and they
will taste good...yikes! Since Andy surprised me last Christmas with a kitchen aid mixer, (was that a hint Mr. McPherson?! ) I decided I had no excuse. To my surprise, it's not as hard as I thought and I really enjoy myself. I've roped Alley into helping me as well since she
looooves to hang out in the kitchen;) We have had a lot of fun and Alley is developing a love of cooking, not just eating! Alley and I enjoy this bonding time together and she is such a good little helper. She loves helping me make our bread each week and gets so excited when I tell her it's time to make our pizza dough. She's cute:) Today she helped me make brownies....from scratch;)
You can't help make brownies and not help clean up;)

yum, it must be so good! point for me;)

must. lick. every. bit. up...oh no, missed a spot;)

the clean up...it was everywhere!

she is so enthusiastic about cooking, maybe she will be that way about laundry - she got it all over her clothes!

Did mom leave any white chocolate chips behind?!! Oh, please, yes!!

I have conquered my laziness and found that I really enjoy "scratch" cooking and baking. Now if only I could find that
enthusiasm about cleaning!;)
Catherine, I'll be there by 5 tonight, okay? Oh, that's right ... I was! The brownie "from scratch" was delicious!
I love to bake! I'm not so fond of the cooking part :) Glad your brownies came out well!
I am NOT a cook. haha. I love to mess around and try things, but I get really impatient with recipes and lots of steps, so sometimes the results aren't quite right. ;) I need to work on this, I want my kiddos to eat healthy and learn how to cook, too. Cute shots!
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