My sweet sweet baby K. How can she already be 6.5 months?! Over the months she hasn't changed in her demeanor, still as sweet, laid back and happy as ever. It is rare that you catch her without a big ol' grin on her face. If you do, within seconds she replaces her curious stare with that famous contagious smile.

She is now rolling over onto her stomach like crazy, but is still hesitant about rolling back on to her back from her stomach. She does it while she sleeps, but not while awake;) She is close to sitting up and has been for a month, but she gets too excited and throws her body backwards or to the side. She's a trip!

She has found her toes and is completely fascinated with them. Apparently they are quite delicious too! She has a wild tongue that is constantly moving around inside and outside of her mouth. Speaking of mouth, she produced her first tooth today! Yeah!! She has been a very calm teether, but quite a water faucet! We go through so many bibs and outfits every day and she still gets chapped from all that drool.

loves to watch Alley. Whenever Alley is in the room, forget trying to get Kendall's attention! She has eyes only for her. Alley loves to make her giggle, and the sound of both of them giggling together just melts my heart! How precious it is.

Kendall is still a wonderful sleeper, day and night:) (Praise the Lord!!) She sleeps around 14 hours each night and takes two 2-hour naps with maybe 1 or 2 short cat-naps each day. Can we say amazing;)

She will willingly go to anyone and just smile and coo at them like they hung the moon. If you have a bottle or food in your hands, she loves you even more;) Not only does she sleep like a champ, but she eats like one too. She loves jar food! I've been making her food and she has yet to turn down anything I give her. She loves to eat avocados, peaches, apples, green beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, squash and berries. She trys to feed herself, which can make meal time challenging but fun.

She is in the 95% for height and weight (what can I say, we breed them big!) and is as squishy as can be:) Her eyes are still bright blue and her hair is blonde with some red highlights. And poor thing has my pale skin - can we say SPF 100?!!

Kendall had surgery a week ago to remove what the doctor thought was a dermoid cyst. We noticed it when she was 3 months old but the surgeon wanted to wait until she was 6 months old to remove it because she'd have to go under general anesthesia. When the surgeon went in to remove it, he found out it was an enlarged lymph node. He stated that that was rare and he's not sure what caused it. It was sent off to be tested to see if it's benign and we're praying for good news! We go back tomorrow for her post-op appointment. Please keep Kendall in your prayers! She is such a trooper! The nurses loved her and said she smiled the whole time - that's my girl!!

We could not have asked or imagined a better younger sister for Alley. We have loved every second she has been with us:) We have been through a lot with her but she has been such a joy to be around.
Happy 6.5 months Kendall!! Anna is so excited to meet you in about 2 weeks!!!
we're praying that everything is great with the news from the doctor!
She is precious. Really, she is one cute baby!!
You will be in my prayers.
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