- She has two teeth right now and they seemed to come out of nowhere! She didn't even let us know she was teething...apparently these next teeth are more annoying because she has decided that she needs to chew on EVERYTHING and fuss about it.
- She is still a great sleeper! Her day-time naps have been touch and go at daycare recently, but she still naps like a champ at home:)
- You will rarely see Kendall without a smile on her face...she will even smile mid-cry
- She has been sitting up for awhile now and is trying to pull up on EVERYTHING! She can only get to her knees but man does she keep trying.
- She is crawling!!!!!! she's fast with the army crawl (which she'll throw in a roll here and there) but more like an inchbug with "real" crawling...it's hilarious to watch!! Her knees go under her, her bottom goes up, she pushes up on her arms and moves forward, then goes back to her chest, and her bottom and knees go down...then the cycle repeats...she's our little inchbug:)
- She has started taking baths with Alley. I can't decide who is more excited about it, Alley, Kendall or me! They have a blast together...it definitely gets loud and wild in our bathroom around that time.
- Kendall is desperate to eat real food...she's over her jar food and will lunge after any food she sees. I can barely get jar food in her mouth because she's straining so hard to watch Alley eat. I think I'll stop pureeing the food and just chop the food into chunks now. She devours any and all finger foods you place in front of her.
- She is a pound heavier than Alley was at this age, but she is also taller.
- She looooooooves it when you sing. She will stop everything, smile like crazy and squeal along with you while banging her hands on the floor, table or on her toys.
- She cannot get enough of Alley. She hangs on Alley's every word, wont take her eyes off Alley when she is in the room and will laugh hysterically at Alley when Alley makes faces at her.

I love watching my two girls grow closer together with each passing day. This has to be one of the best parts about being a parent...besides the wonderful hugs and kisses from your children:)
1 comment:
They're both so big!! Love these updates :)
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