Friday, September 17, 2010

"Daddy's wook"

Alley and "Daddy's wook, Hammen-Cidy Caw-leg" seem to be fast friends. Inseparable even. We can't get into the car, see a sports commercial, see boys, read about tigers or talk about daddy without her saying "my like football, daddy's wook, not tigers, day scare me". What goes on in that child's mind is anybody's guess! She certainly is daddy's little girl and absolutely loves football and going to daddy's work. She even will show you her Phalangies, Patella, and Metatarsals if you ask her...she's been around "daddy's wook" a lot;)

This past weekend, HSC had their first home football game. I tried to get some pictures of Andy working, but quickly realized I needed a zoom lens for that one! Oh well:) Some still turned out decent enough.
Here's a view of the field from where we were hanging out

watching the game

hmmm, must be some serious watching

Daddy's #1 fans

I can't tell you how thankful I am that the girls can now bathe together! It was tiring to have to go through everything twice each night by myself. This past week I ventured out and decided it was time the girls started doing some things together. I could not have asked for a better turn out! Since putting them in the bath together, there has been less fussing and crying going on in our evenings! Whew! Tonight I was able to catch some of their bath moments on camera since Andy was home to help out!
All smiles

enjoying the time with big sissy and sucking on our fingers

staring at daddy...uh-oh...looks like sissy has something not-so-nice up her sleeve!

Wham! Took her by surprise!!! Afterwards Kendall just squealed with excitement and splashed even tears! This is one tough chick who wont let anyone or thing mess up her good moods - I need to learn from her;)
I look forward to many more firsts with them...I guess the next big move would be them sharing a, yeah, I think we'll wait on that one for awhile!!!!


Katie said...

You've got one smart girl on your hands! So cute :)

A.K. said...

look at kendall's gorgeous eyes in those pictures! Alley cracks me up every time i read the blog... what a little cutie :)