***I don't normally post back to back posts, but I couldn't pass this up!***
Today I tried to get the house tidied up and "tried" to clean a bit. Of course I say this all casually because I got some "wonderful help " from my two busy bodies. Let's say whatever I did was quickly messed up again by someone who was desperate to help. I heard a lot of , "no mommy, my do it". Suuuuuuure....
this is what sweeping the floor looks like with Alley

"mommy, my do good job. My helpin. My like sweeping."
"Yes sweet heart, you are doing a great job. Why don't you sweep on the floor where you are suppose to."
"No mommy, da wall needs it. It dirty and needs me."
"(sigh) ok"

Check out her styling outfit;)
Oh look, the glass door must need her too!

Well, good thing I've got Kendall to help vacuum the floor, because our vacuum keeps dying on me! She just scoots around on her belly and moves the dirt to wherever Alley is "sweeping".
I must say, she is a pretty darn cute vacuum;) If only I could get her to stop trying to eat the dirt and dust...I must be asking too much...
What great helpers :) So cute!!
Love the outfit! :) Reese puts together some great ones too!
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