Yesterday we took our first trip to the Richmond Zoo! We've been talking about going ever since Alley was a baby, but we never got our act together enough to make it over there. Finally we made it! Since Andy was out of town on Saturday, we met up with Alley's best bud and her sister and mom and took a trip to the zoo. What a BEAUTIFUL day for the zoo:)! After stuffing our bellies full of pancakes and hash browns, we were ready to start our adventure. We got there right when it opened (which was a fabulous idea!) and were able to really enjoy the sights without many people around. The weather was amazing and cool. It didn't start warming up until we were ready to leave...and that's when the crowds of families starting coming. Kendall just hung out in her stroller and Alley and Ava acted like twin minute they couldn't hug enough, the next minute,"mommy, she's touching/looking at me"...they are hilarious!!!! Here are some pictures from the day.
"twins" watching the crazy and LOUD monkeys
all smiles and ready to begin the sight-seeing
whoa! crazy monkeys!!! Aren't they precious;)
umm, mom...what are they doing?
cheesey cheese
helpful big sister and what's up with Alley's face?;) I told her to smile...??!!
Checking out the tigers...right after this picture, the tiger popped up in their face and stared at them...can we say freak out?!!
looking at the "deer"
I just thought this was silly...
okay, this is not a zoom in...I was actually that close. You can feed the giraffes and they are ALL up in your business!
This is what Kendall was doing the whole time...just so content to hang out and play with her toys
"helping" feed the giraffes...they were kinda freaked out by the loooooong tongues
watching the alligators
sweet thing just relaxing
they were all about Kendall...just making sure she is loved on;)
I agree that closer to home will be the key! Ava is still talking about it!
Great pictures!
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