As I sit here writing this blog, my suntan is fading, my leg, which I burned, is peeling and I'm hot because it's 90-something degrees today. All that is to say that I wish I was back at the beach! All the signs of the beach are beginning to fade I guess that means it's time to go back;)! Here are some pictures from the second half of our trip:
Alley caught a "fish" and proudly held it for the camera (all the while yelling "it's moving!")

we took an afternoon off from the beach and went to the pool. Alley absolutely loved getting to swim in the "big pool". Kendall was very upset to not be able to go in it because of a silly rule about kids with swim diapers not allowed in the pool...oh well:)
Mimi reading to Kendall before bed. Kendall had a word explosion this week while at the beach! She was constantly bringing books over to people and saying "boook, boook". She also identifies turtles ("a-tur") and is constantly looking for them, she points out birds ("buuuurd"), and asks for her milk by name ("miiik"). She also calls people by their name pretty well and several other words too:)
must be a serious book about animals;)
lounging in her beach chair during morning snack...aahhh, this is the life
Alley playing hop-scotch....or more liking jumping around all over the place in Alley's world
Kendall trying to play
this is pretty much how Kendall spent her time in the sand...rolling around and right in the center of everything!
breeching the wall of the out world!
she apparently wanted back in and threw herself over the wall...which she thought was hilarious and kept doing it over and over again.
Kendall's new favorite thing...sitting on Alley. I can't say it's Alley's favorite, but she was a trooper for sure!
lounging and telling everyone to "shhh"....what? are we being too loud out at the beach??!! ;)
hanging out with Uncle John after a long day at the beach
trying to get a picture of the two...which was extremely difficult!
apparently Kendall thought it was a good time to take a quick cat-nap on Alley
my mini-me
An attempt at a family photo...can I tell you how many shots we took and we still don't have everyone smiling or looking at the camera...go figure;)
taking a break from life;)
Mimi and her cute
Andy and his mini-me
story-time again in the beach house...oh Mimi is certainly loving this!
Mary Tanner getting a turn at reading stories to the wild ones
Yes, girls, we all feel like this when we finally get home after a full day of traveling....duuuuhhhh....I wanna go back!!
We are off to re-adjust to living without a pool nearby and without the ocean beckoning us every morning. Oh, believe me, it still beckons, but I think I'm going to have to wait until next year...
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