It's been awhile since I've been able to complete a sewing project. I've had so many ideas in my mind but with life going by at 100 miles an hour for the past 2 months, my projects have just been completed in my head. May was a crazy month at work for me and I think I barely slept during those 4 the projects definitely didn't happen. I've also had a hard time getting to Richmond to go to a decent fabric store. Why can't they just open a Jo-ann's fabric store in Farmville?! Anyway, coordinating a trip to a fabric store with two little ones is quite a feat...and ridiculous. Let me tell you about a trip to the fabric store that I took, I mean one of my friends, took recently with her two kids. Everything started out decent, except for the fact that the youngest decided to skip her nap on the way down and just cry the whole 60-some odd minutes to the store. Once in the store, all seemed to be going well. I was, I mean my friend was able to gather stuff for one project she had dreamed up and was beginning to pick out the embroidery floss for 3 new smocked dress for her girls. It only took a second for chaos to friends head was turned for just a second when her oldest thought it would be fun to get into the cart by climbing over the side of the cart...needless to say, she was NOT successful. The whole cart fell over on top of her and her little sister, who was sitting noisily in the front, came tumbling over the side. Several employees came running over trying to help, wanting to call 911 and looking at her like she was such a horrible mom. All the while, her two kids were scared to death and just screaming their heads off....I'm sure that if 911 would have been needed, the fire station would have heard all the screams before they got the call from the dispatcher. Yes, it was a disastrous my friend will not be taking frequently unless her kids are safe and sound being cared for by someone else. Poor friend...that would NEVER, EVER happen to, not at all....
Okay, so back to the only project I've been able to complete in the past month or so...I decided to make my dad, for father's day, two outdoor pillows to go on the bench he made for the cabin. I must say, they turned out extremely well for never having made pillows, appliqued or done any of it without a pattern:) Here is the finished product.

Some other projects I have in the works are:
- 2 shirred, knit sundresses for the girls
- blackout curtains for the girls room - because I was in a hurry to get them up, I just cut them and threw them up on the window for the time-being....but I do want to "jazz" them up a bit:)
- decorative laundry baskets to go under Alley's bed to hold shoes, laundry and cloth diapers
- 3 smocked dresses....and I have to make the dresses as well....
You've got a quite a lot of projects on your plate. I'm seriously impressed!!
oh no! Please tell your friend we are so sorry that happened to her :) You poor thing!!! Can't wait to see the pictures of all your creations!!
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